Many of us Beings of Light on Planet Earth have been feeling the intense energies since 21st December 2020 and it feels to many, including myself, that we are going through a labour of love, a birthing tunnel if you will. It can be a painful process leaving behind anything that no longer resonates with you rising frequency, however it is a nessessary evolution as we progress on our ascension journey.
I have been called to detox all that no longer resonates in a very short space of time and my guidence is it must be completed prior to the equinox on 21st March 2021. To enable me to do this I must unplug from social media, work and any 3D or 4D vibrational energies and focus.
I will be offline for this spiritual maintenance now until most likely the 1st of April 2021. You can still make purchases on this site as I am leaving it live, but please be aware I will have no presence here at this time. I will work in order of booking on my return.
Hold on beautiful souls as we prepare to shift higher, hold your highest intentions for your highest timeline and live in your heart space. The external may increase in noise and as it does allow yourself to unplug and go deeper internally.
We GOT this and I love you,
See you on the other side,