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Ascension Evolution

Manifesting Workshop - 21 Days - Self Study

Manifesting Workshop - 21 Days - Self Study

Regular price £55.55 GBP
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A 21 day workshop created to help you release vows of poverty, negative programming, beliefs and karmic ties to lack. Before you go on there are a few necessary measures, you must be prepared to dedicate time to yourself over these 21 days, no excuses, none! You also must be willing to believe in yourself. Its ok if you are not at this stage yet, all is Divine, but I suggest you come back to this when you can dedicate time to yourself, with no excuses, or quite simply this workshop will be as useful as a chocolate watch! However, if you are dedicated to changing your life, if you are ready to step up and into a world where you are in charge of your own reality, if you are willing to do the work…WELCOME! Over the next 21 days you will be asked to, on top of your usual spiritual routine, complete daily meditations and worksheets, weekly worksheets and two soul contracts that must be done during full moon and new moon cycles. Please start this process with the week one ending on a full moon to get the most benefit from this workshop. Everything you need is provided over the next few pages. Including links to two private videos on YouTube. The first is a daily meditation and the second is a cutting tis protocol that I suggest you listen to first to ensure you have everything you need, and I suggest you do it the day prior to the Full Moon. The more you commit to yourself, the more you will achieve from the next 21 days. Here’s to creating ALL you are worthy of and truly deserve in this lifetime.

This self study workshop runs in the same style to the initial 21 awakening workshop. It is essential that you have first completed that workshop and that you continue to do the cleansing, grounding and shielding practices daily. You will do those practises prior to the additional work on this workshop. 

When you purchase this course you will be emailed a zip file with everything you need including ; the manual, a 12 minute daily meditation, a guided protocol for cutting your ties to any poverty consciousness, agreements and lack programming and over 6 hours of zoom calls that cover the initial and weekly teaching.

I advise you watch the initial weeks teaching with the manual prior to starting to ensure you understand the process, then watch each week as comes up for you. There are 4 zooms in total. My workshops are all run free of charge within the Patreon community which is where the recordings were made.




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